Nauči voziti Airwheel!
According to the current specs and descriptions of S3, it differs from fellow competitors in the premium material, remote key control and Bluetooth music player. So let’s find out if it is indeed so superior price-performance-wise.
Distinctive design is the key focus and crux of a successful product. Airwheel S3 as the latest groundbreaking hit on market has redefined industry standard with its optimal interplay of distinctive design elements. Let’s take a l...
Airwheel always takes the concept that “Science and technology should play an significant role in everyone’s everyday life instead of being displayed as a luxurious toy”.
Targeting customer group is the key to develop marketing and sales strategy for both manufacturers and distributors. Electric unicycle stages as the latest intelligent personal transporter based on aviation attitude control and bu...
Zupełnie inne urządzenie niż pojazdy z serii X oraz Q. Airwheel S3 to urządzenie bardzo podobne do szeroko znanego Segway’a, lecz wyprzedzające go w wielu aspektach. Uwagę należy zwrócić na bardzo ciekawy i nowoczesny design oraz ...
For most core families, an intelligent scooter is a perfect compensating choice for leisure trip or shopping. With the sleek exterior design and superior performance, the self-balancing scooter will be your ideal family commute pa...
Ste kdaj pomislili, da lahko stojite v mestu in se ob tem gibate ? Včasih ste nakaj takega lahko videli le v cirkusu, danes pa je že na ulicah Vašeg mesta. Airwheel je monocikl kakšnega še niste videli. Stopite na prvi samoravnote...
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